February 6, 2010

Mind Over Construct

I am not writing to pretend I am Morpheus, or that I live in a separate world than the rest of you. I am simply attempting to open your eyes to the possibility of something else, and to allow my own eyes to be opened to it.  Although this will come nowhere near any of the final destinations, it is the first step to unlocking one's mind to what is waiting to exist.

I wrote the following quote to have an interesting away message. It spawned the thought that follows. I don't pretend to believe that my idea is better than any others, especially since I am not the first to think or write about it, but it is an idea, and in that sense, must be shit on until a better one can be created. So, please feel free to shit on it.
Lastly, before I start. I do not edit or even read to make sure things flow after I cut and pace to organize, so just let me know if there's a part that doesn't make sense.

"Imagine, Write, and Do. Practicality is nothing but a complex form of fear."

From the daredevils to the content cubicle workers, we all succumb to this in one way or another. Most of us will continue to do so for the rest of our lives, no matter how far we believe we traveled from the traditional. Those who boast of rebellion and anarchy simply abide by the same system in a different way. As long as one limits their mind to what is currently comprehensible, they will always be just another closed off mind.

To tell you the truth, most of us have no intention of breaking from what we regard as reason. It is normal to live one's life by what we know. It is normal to believe what has happened will determine what will happen. The basic rules that guide our actions are needed for all who cannot comprehend a universe without them, and that is practically everybody. I don't wake up wondering weather or not gravity has held my bed to the ground or not, I simply trust the construct of it. And, to be honest, this is not necessarily a bad thing for the average human.

Following the rules of previous minds gives people a sense of security, stability, and trust. Most minds cannot handle the pressures that a world without trust would bring. They simply implode at even the slightest hint that what is true today will not be true tomorrow. It cannot be handled by our minds, not because we are not capable of such thought, but because we have been trained, down to the very neurons of the cerebral cortex, to put all faith in what other beings believes, that there is no other than what we understand.

On the other hand, the mind is the most powerful machine that exists. And, there have been times when we have proven the capacity to think about something that is outside of a world we can understand. It has been on a very limited basis, but we have done it. In fact, a majority of people have shown this glimmer through a belief in religion. Now, you might say that a belief in religion has no bearing on mental capacity, that the most uneducated people in the world can believe in that. All you are really saying is that education doesn't add more than a tiny smidge to the capacity of our brains, and that every human is potentially capable of breaking out of the constructs which confine us!

The problem with the religion example is that only the small handful of people who created their religions really had any kind of leap to a world beyond what we know and currently understand. The followers of religion, and this is a general statement that does not apply to everyone so please calm your jets, simply allow their minds to attach to another mind's construct. There is no new growth in this kind of situation. BUT, it is certainly a step in the right direction. It proves that we have some capability, even if it is on a very small scale.
SHIT, I had a great way to move ahead the argument and now I have completely forgotten it, I don't even know where I am going with this.... ummm....


Okay, so whether you believe in a religion or not, the fact that a human mind has created the idea of it, means it exists. WHAAAT!? (Props to my main man Rene Descartes for what follows) What constitutes existence? Descartes essentially believed that to exist, the mind has to be able to perceive it. Without the mind, nothing would exist and all would be meaningless; there would be no point to it. Fortunately, we all are blessed with powerful minds, whether we choose to use them or not, and things have meaning. A chair is a chair because we see it, touch it, use it, possibly taste it. If we could not even imagine the the very essence of a chair, it would not exist? DONT BELIEVE ME!?!?!? ahah, i love these little games. Then please, my dear reader, imagine a color you have never seen before.

Victory is sweet, but in the big picture this is a failure. We cannot imagine a color we have never seen because our minds are closed. We cannot move past what is seen onto what is possible. We are trapped in this world until we can truly, full heartedly, believe that our minds can CREATE new constructs, new rules, a new world, simply by thinking it. We can live in parallel, we can fly, we can feel real love.

Maybe I am full of shit. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow like I always do, go to class, walk on the ground, go out to a party and have a good time. Maybe our minds are meant to be this way. Maybe God created this world in which we live, and we will know truth when we die. But, maybe I will wake up tomorrow in a world I control with my mind. Maybe my life will be a lucid dream, and my imagination will no longer be limited to what others have established as normal. Maybe.

Peace and Love,
Scott Stephen Smith

*All of this should be taken as an opinion, and not the end all be all. Questioning one's existence is an activity of the mind, and should not be taken to the extreme of any rooftop. =)

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