November 8, 2009

No Good Title and a Full Moon

as it's remembered, as it comes to me:

I lay down in this spot, for no apparent reason. Just to take some time to think of myself. I have gone through this day with a blank mind. Whether it is a sadness that causes a defensive blank slate, or the inexplicable emptiness in my head that has caused this sadness. A rebound from my plethora of thought, a break from my normal scatter, it feels strange. I cannot think in this moment, simply stare and open my mouth. Words skip my head and seep straight from the soul. Giving the circumstances I should be happy, but I am not. I am not sad. I am for once neutral. I am in a simple crossroads where peace exists.

How selfish of me, all starting with I.
I look to the sky as the clouds whiz by
keeping my moon in view of my eye.
A full moon steady in a midst of black motion
Grounded in the sky, amongst my dreams
keeping thoughts forward, soul lifted.

The grass is damp, but i'm not upset
Cooling sensation for this hot head.
Still with the fever, my body tells me I'm ill
dying? no, but not standing still
this inexplicable scatter mumbles out of my mouth
rhymes almost by coincidence
sense need not be made during peace.

Simply allow the peace to continue as long as it will stand
don't think, don't move, don't focus on the world
focus on the object is drawing me in
the full moon inspires a connection
alone in this spot i can remain forever
however alone i am not with the moon in my mind
Together we are, at least I pretend

Pretend? Pretend! Where is the genuine?
It is not in my world, exists in another
stuck in my world, it exists in another.
Where is my world moving from here?
I am my world, alone but controlled.

Exist without power, exist without meaning
power over thyself, over thy destiny.
Thy? Who the FUCK says thy?
What about the, pronounced like we?
Now we are down to it.
It's all about she.

Peace and Love from the spot,
Scott Stephen Smith
"In between buildings, away from all but distant sirens. Where I sat. Where I mumbled."